Saturday, 18 October 2008

And the award for most shameless self promoter goes to...

... ME! It was the Bauer Awards last night, which is when all the magazines in the company have a big piss-up at Grosvenor House, pretend they're not bothered about winning anything and boo loudly when love rats go up on stage to collect awards (LONG story...). I got shortlisted in the Rising Star category and had a brilliant evening. I had a bit of a revelation beforehand - I'd been worrying for days about what to wear, and I only realised on the day itself that I hadn't given a second thought to the fact that this would be the biggest, most formal eating/drinking situation I'd been in since starting the diet. But once again, everyone else was much more bothered about it than I was, constantly asking if I was OK, etc. Luckily I had a greedy boy to eat my food, and plenty of thirsty workmates to drink my share of the alcohol. So selfless of them. Anyway, this blog's been absent from photos for a while which seems silly as, really, who wants to read about weight loss unless there are photos? So, here's a picture of me last night in my new size 14 Oasis dress, alongside a picture of me from the same awards a year ago, looking drunk and hideous in a size 18 dress...


Unknown said...

You look amazing!!!!!

freedrinksformeplease said...

Seeing those two pictures together really is quite astounding. I'd forgotten what you used to look like...I'm so used to the new foxy, bobbed-haired Isabel (not that you weren't foxy before, um, you know what I mean)now. You look aces.

Miss Jones said...

Fellow Lady Blogger

Our mutual former colleague, Ms Jenny Dickinson, told me about your blog over a power lunch last week.

Now let me supplement my comments in the lift (or was it the kitchen) about how OMG amazing you look by saying that now I love your blog too, and have added it to my blogroll (I believe that's what the people who know about this kind of thing call it).

Warmest regards

Miss Jones x